Bogna Tomaszewska
Investment and Insurance Products Department
The presence of Poland in the European Union comes with many advantages. One of them is the abolition of borders, enabling us to travel the world quicker and easier, which benefit is enjoyed by many people. It is not surprising, as a flight to warm Spain is now often shorter than a travel by train from Cracow to Gdańsk, and sunny weather is almost guaranteed there. Against the unforeseeable, we are protected by the travel insurance.
In Europe, this should not be a problem. All you need to do is to issue the EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) before you set off for a journey. Consequently, the Polish NFZ (National Health Fund) will cover all costs of your possible treatment. The card is valid for 12 months and can be issued within a dozen days even without visiting the branch of the fund. Check here how to get a card:
Jak wyrobić kartę EKUZ / Załatw sprawę krok po kroku / Dla Pacjenta / Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia
5 lat - karta wydana dla osób pobierających świadczenia emerytalne. 12 miesięcy - karta wydana dla osób ubezpieczonych1), które są: „zatrudnione”2),...