Barbara Żółtowska
Insurance and Investment Department
A telephone is an essential part of our everyday life – it has ceased to be just a center of entertainment and communication, today it is used as a versatile tool for banking, travel or searching for information.
984 – WOPR (Volunteer Water Rescue Service)
985 - GOPR (Volunteer Mountain Rescue Service) and TOPR (Volunteer Tatra Rescue Service)
987 – crisis management center
983 – veterinary emergency service
981 – roadside assistance
Three-digit short numbers are dialed without any preceding digits (e.g. without the operator’s number (NDS) or the area code, and the call is free. Calls are taken 24/7. More useful numbers may be found here.
Is it really worth taking out a travel insurance?
The presence of Poland in the European Union comes with many advantages. One of them is the abolition of borders, enabling us to travel the world quicker and easier, which benefit is enjoyed by many people. It is not surprising, as a flight to warm Spain is now often shorter than a travel by train from Cracow to Gdańsk, and sunny weather is almost guaranteed there. Against the unforeseeable, we are protected by the travel insurance.
Published about 7 years
from Citi Handlowy Magazine